This site is hosted by Te-Oranga, a small business near Whangarei producing flowers and fruit for the NZ market. It was born out of frustration at the extortionate rates faced when trying to present produce to buyers using the regular channels. If you are a small producer and would like to present your produce here, you are welcome to do so using the form provided once you are logged in. There is no cost involved. However, for this site to be useful to you, you will need to promote it. Maybe when you advertise on facebook, or perhaps at farmers' markets, you present a card with the link to this site. You could also show a print of the QR below to take your customers directly to the login page - very handy if they have their cell phones with them. Actually, you do not need to print it, just show them this QR on your phone and they can scan it with theirs. All customers need to properly register and login as it is important to protect the privacy of the sellers here.